Gold Medal Software 3
Gold Medal Software - Volume 3 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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CURRICULUM GUIDE . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
A compendium of topics to be covered in "Algebra, A
Skill-Oriented Approach," (SOA), broken down by disk-program
(Broad subject) areas.
APPENDIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 11
Corresponding point for point with the Curriculum Guide, the
Appendices give detailed descriptions of course material, teaching
aids, and suggested timing.
FIRST SEMESTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 27
Four tests offered at various levels of difficulty,
sf.1a through sf.1d.
SECOND SEMESTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 36
Four tests offered at various levels of difficulty,
sf.2a through sf.2d.
WORD PROBLEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 50
Word problems broken down with respect to type and subject
area, as specifically referenced in the Appendix. Problems
correspond point to point with programmed subject areas.
KEYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 77
Answers are provided for all semester tests and word
problems. All answers to Üprogrammed exercisesÜ and tests are
provided concurrently; that is, upon separate sheets appended to
each exercise and each test. Answer "Keys" are coded by
refrencing the parent document, just as found in normal text
CATALOG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 82
A three page catalog listing all subject areas covered by
this software. The subjects (program units) are broken down into
sub-catagories, right down to individual exercise types.
A WORD OF CAUTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 85
Some notes on "Individualization."
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 86
This course is computer-based and comprises a sub-set of the
elementary algebra. It maximizes computation without altogether
ignoring concepts. Computer programs provide printed exercises
and tests in all the listed subject areas. (See "CATALOG.")
Since all exercises are random number based and no two are
precisely alike, the supply is substantially unlimted. The
software in turn is supported by printed word problems and
semester tests. An IBM or compatible is required, and it must be
complete with printer. A monochrome monitor will suffice.
Skill-Oriented Algebra (SOA) has a proven track record, but there
is no claim that it is superior to the text-based variety. It is
solid and substantial and produces students with well rounded
skills in algebra and -- surprisingly -- basic arithmetic. The
author, however, makes no claim to superiority over a text based
course. A text is clearly superior. But for some schools, and
for some students in ÜallÜ schools, this Skill-Oriented Algebra
succeeds where the orthodox approach fails. SOA is teachable.
The material is learnable. Its scope and content reaches well
beyond the algebra normally absorbed by average and below-average
students. With SOA, they acquire substantial skills. And since
it is sequenced as to levels of ÜarithmeticÜ difficulty (in
addition to the algebra), it can help remedy difficiencies in that
area too, and without the boredom normally associated with high
school, basic skills courses.
SOA and its requisite software were seventeen years in
preparation. Adjustments and modifications took place over the
entire period, as more and more was learned in class and from
other teachers. It was started primarily because of the author's
(and his associates') repeated failure to teach the text-based
course except to a few above average students. SOA addresses the
fact of "non-preparedness" in our public schools. It is directed
in particular toward the relative non-achiever. The author taught
SOA for four years on an experimental basis in an Arizona high
school. Results were extraordinary; according the students much
needed mathematics skills and increasing their confidence level
But the formal course as presented in these pages is only the
beginning. SOA can be used as a "pre-algebra" in Junior high
schools. It can be used to support a text based course. It can
provide quick, easily prepared, and valuable lessons for an
instructor's classes during his a bsence. Finally, it can be
employed for "extra" study and practice, wherein it cannot help
but increase a student's skill level and confidence.
Curriculum Guide Alfred D'Attore
This algebra is supported by computer-prepared exercises and tests.
A printer with at least superscript capability is therefore
essential. Exercises are provided by the various programs listed in
the accompanying catalog. Together with the printouts supplied, the
program-package comprises a large and useful subset of the
elementary algebra.
When a specific computer program is referenced, it will be shown in
brackets, e.g., [filename]. Insert the disk in your disk drive.
Using the names listed in the catalog, programs can be run using the
"run [filename]" command. However, a preferred method for accessing
the software is to simply press "SHIFT RUN/STOP." A menu will be
loaded, and programs can be chosen by first, using the cursor
up-down keys to highlight a desired program, and then by pressing
RETURN. After each program is "run," a choice will be offered: one
may ÜrÜepeat the program, restore the ÜmÜenu, or simply ÜqÜuit. One
may quit from the menu option too.
Word problems and semester tests are provided as separate
print-outs, referenced with parentheses, e.g.(wp.1a).
For this course, students must bring three-hole binders (loose-leaf
notebooks) to class every day. As might be expected of a course
which is not text-based, notes are extremely important.
I. Introduction to Algebra. [intro] See Appendix A.
A. The instructor imparts the following information:
1. Axioms and postulates used in Algebra.
2. The real number system. The various sets comprising
the real number system are offered. A Venn diagram is used for
3. The "order of Operations" is presented with copious
4. Simple algebraic expressions are introduced,
illustrating the translation from "words" to "symbols."
B. For this sequence, an "open book" test is recommended,
i.e.students'notes are permissable during testing. It is important
they not be discouraged right at the beginning. Concepts are
emphasized in the "doing" rather than the relating. This is
consistent with the philisophical underpinning of this
skill-oriented algebra.
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 2 IBM PC and Compatibles
Curriculum Guide Alfred D'Attore
II. Positive and Negative Arithmetic. [isn] See Appendix B.
A. A handout is provided the student with rules and examples.
B. Exercises and Tests.
1. Addition: the student adds signed numbers.
2. Subtraction: the student subtracts signed numbers.
3. Multiplication and Division: the student multiplies
and divides signed numbers.
C. Signed number arithmetic lies at the foundation of all
algebra. ÜIt must be masteredÜ. Therefore, up to three weeks are
devoted to this sequence. A two page test (actually, two
"sequenced" exercises--150 line-items), is then provided wherein
students demonstrates their proficiency. Mastery is achieved with
seven mistakes or less.
III. Linear Equations in One Variable. [eqs1] See Appendix C.
A. The properties of equality are reinforced.
B. Students solve the equations listed below. (Note:
upper-case letters represent integers.)
1. Ax + B = C or C = Ax + B
2. Ax + b = Cx + d
3. A(Bx + C) = Dx + E or Dx + E = A(Bx + C)
4. A(Bx + C) + D = E + F(Gx + H)
C. A two page test follows wherein students demonstrate their
ability to solve linear equations in one variable.
D. Word Problems, Introduction, one week. See Appendix D.
1. Rationale.
2. Organization.
3. Exercises.
a. Simple number problems; single subject, single
variable, (wp.1a).
b. Multiple-subject hypotheses; single variable,
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 3 IBM PC and Compatibles
Curriculum Guide Alfred D'Attore
IV. Linear Equations in Two Variables. [xplot] and [lineqs] See
Appendix E.
A. Definitions:
B. In-Class Work:
1. The following function is represented in two forms:
a. The standard (or general) form: Ax + By = C
b. The slope-intercept form: y = mx + b.
2. Exercises:
a. Starting with [xplot], students will plot linear
equationsin the slope-intercept form. Students will form "rosters"
with three ordered pairs of numbers for each plot. They will then
plot the points and draw a line.
b. Further exercises using [lineqs].
(1) Students convert ordered pairs into slopes.
(2) Students find the originating equation,
given the slope and/or the y-intercept, and one ordered pair.
(3) Students determine the equation, given two
ordered pairs.
3. A two page test is provided wherein students
demonstrate their proficiency with linear equations in two
V. Simultaneous Equations in Two Variables. [simeqs] See
Appendix F.
A. Students "solve" simulataneous equations in two variables
by the following methods:
1. Plotting.
2. Substitution.
3. Addition and Subtraction (Linear Combinations).
4. Coverting the "matrix" of equations to "Hermite Normal
B. A two page test follows wherein students demonstrate their
ability to solve simultaneous equations in two variables.
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 4 IBM PC and Compatibles
Curriculum Guide Alfred D'Attore
D. Word Problem Addendum. See Appendix D.
1. Student solve the following two-variable, word-problem
a. Perimeter problems. (wp.2a)
b. Age problems. (wp.2b)
c. Miscellaneous, mostly numbers. (wp.2c)
d. Coin and related problems. (wp.2d)
e. Rate problems. (wp.2e)
2. A test follows wherein students demonstrate their
ability to solve word problems involving simultaneous equations in
two variables.
VI. Quadratic Equations. [trifact] See Appendix G.
A. A review is offered of all equation-types studied to date.
1. Ax + B = C (Linear equation in one variable.)
2. Ax + By = C (Linear equation in two variables.)
B. The quadratic equation is introduced: Ax▀2▀ + Bx + C = 0
C. Multiplying Binomials.
1. Students will multiply "monomials" and "binomials"
positive first terms only, obtaining "quadratics" as a result.
2. Students will multiply monomials and binomials using
positive and/or negative first terms and factorable constants.
D. Factoring Trinomials.
1. The student will reverse the process now and "factor"
trinomials into monomials and binomials. Positive "quadratic" terms
2. The student will "factor" trinomials with mixed
(positive and negative) "quadratic" terms and factorable constants.
E. Solving Quadratics equations. The student will factor and
"solve" quadratic equations of all types; i.e., with positive
quadratic terms, with "mixed" quadratic terms with factorable
constants and finally, using non-standard forms.
F. A two page test is provided, in which students demonstrate
their proficiency with factorable quadratric polynomials and
factorable quadratic equations.
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 5 IBM PC and Compatibles
Curriculum Guide Alfred D'Attore
G. Word Problem Addendum. See Appendix D.
1. Quadratics, (areas, etc.) (wp.3a).
VII. Fractional Equations. [f.eqs] See Appendix G. (Note. In
the tests and exercises referenced below, all capital letters
represent constant terms; in this case, integers.)
A. Students will solve fractional equations. The following
types are offered with type "5" producing quadratic equations and
hence, two solutions.
1. -------- + D = E
Bx + C
Ax + B Dx + E A D
2. -------- = -------- or -------- = --------
C F Bx + C Ex + F
Ax + B
3. -------- + Dx = E
4. ----- + ----- = ----- or ----- + ----- = E
Bx Dx F Bx Dx
5. -------- + D = Ex + F
Bx + C
B. A two-page test is provided, wherein students demonstrate
their proficiency with fractional equations.
C. Word Problems. See Appendix D.
1. Work Problems. (wp.4a)
VIII. Decimal Equations. [eqs1.d] See Appendix I. (Note. In
the example exercises given below, capital letters are all one, two
or three-place decimals.)
A. Students will solve the following equation-types:
1. Ax + B = C or A = Bx + C
2. Ax + B = Cx + D
3. A(Bx + C) = Dx + E or Ax + B = C(Dx + E)
B. A two-page test is provided wherein students demonstrate
their proficiency with decimal equations. Since decimal equations
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 6 IBM PC and Compatibles
Curriculum Guide Alfred D'Attore
are closely related to fractional equations only one week is
reserved for this sequence.
IX. Rational Fractions, Factorables. [rff] Optional, see
Appendix J.
A. Operations with rational expressions are included for the
more advanced classes. While part of the standard course in
elementary algebra, it is nontheless more difficult than the subject
areas delineated above. Addition and subtraction pose particular
problems. But since the business of algebra is essentially the
business of fractions, this sequence can be very rewarding. The
student should be guided through exercises in the beginning, with
the pace slow and measured and with copious examples provided at the
board. The time allocated this sequence is left to the teacher's
1. Simplify.
2. Multiplication, division and mixed, multiplication
and division.
3. Addition, subtraction and mixed, addition and
4. Sequential mix, a one page exercise containing all
B. A two page test is provided containing all operations.
X. Rational Fractions, Exponentials. [rfex] Optional. See
Appendix K.
A. Operations with algebraic expessions containing integral
exponents. Once again, we have a subject area that can easily
overwhelm students. Normally, the author restricts his coverage to
"simplify" and "line-multiply," (this latter, to include problems of
the "powers to powers" type). Time-allocation is left to the
1. Line multiply, including "powers to powers."
2. Simplify.
3. Multiplication, division and mixed, multiplication
and division.
4. Addition, subtraction and mixed, addition and
5. Mixed operations, a one page exercise intended as
review for testing.
B. A two page test is provided containing all the operations.
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 7 IBM PC and Compatibles
Curriculum Guide Alfred D'Attore
XI. Quadratic Equations. [quad] Optional. See Appendix L.
A. Solving quadratic equations of all types, including those
with complex solutions. Since this sequence introduces complex
numbers, it is sometimes deferred to Algebra II.
1. Solving quadratic equations by "completing the
2. Derivation of the quadratic formula.
3. Solving quadratic equations using the quadratic
XII. End of Semester Testing.
A. A whole series of "end-of-semester" tests are provided as
"printouts" including alternates and makeups.
1. (sf.1a)
2. (sf.1b)
3. (sf.1c)
4. (sf.1d)
5. (sf.2a)
6. (sf.2b)
7. (sf.2c)
8. (sf.2d)
XIII. Timing
A. Introduction to Algebra. Two weeks.
B. Positive and Negative Arithmetic. Three weeks. (Normally,
this much time is not required, since many beginning algebra
students have already acquired these skills.) ÜBut it is essentialÜ
Üthat they learn these skills,Ü so if extra time is necessary, take
3. Linear Equations in One Variable. Four weeks, (three
and one), the last week allocated to an introduction to
4. Linear Equations in Two Variables. Three weeks.
5. Simultaneous Equations in Two Variables. Five Weeks,
(four and one), the last week (or more) devoted to "word problems."
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 8 IBM PC and Compatibles
Curriculum Guide Alfred D'Attore
6. This allows a bit more than one week to prepare for
first semester final examinations.
7. Quadratic Equations. Five weeks, (four plus one),
this latter devoted to "word problems."
8. Fractional Equations. Three weeks, (two plus one),
this latter devoted to word problems.
9. Decimal Equations. One week.
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 9 IBM PC and Compatibles
Curriculum Guide Alfred D'Attore
The subject areas delineated above and ending with 9., "Decimal
Equations," constitute the basic course. You will find
approximately one half a semester now remains, in which period, the
teacher may choose to reinforce what learning has taken place over
the preceeding 27 weeks, or to press onward. There remain some
challenging word problems, (wp.5a), the complete subject area of
rational fractions, (exponentials and factorables), and advanced
quadratic equations. What and how much additional to cover must
remain the teacher's choice. For "good" classes, it is probably
best to cover all the remaining subject areas at least to some
extent, always remembering to reserve the semester's last two weeks
for overall review. I have followed both courses and no clear
advantage emerged for either one.
Second semester examinations cover the whole years's work.
The timing offered above only suggested. But it is apparent, I
think, that time is not a pressing consideration. Since what is
required for each subject area, will vary from class to class, the
teacher is enjoined to adjust liberally among sequences.
Invariably, he will find the total of 36 weeks allocated for both
semesters, more than adequate to provide a good, useful course.
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 10 IBM PC and Compatibles
Appendix A
A. Postulates for Real Numbers, (field axioms):
1. Commutative:
a. Addition a + b = b + a
b. Multiplication a x b = b x a
2. Associative
a. Addition a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c
b. Multiplication a x (b x c) = (a x b) x c
or a(bc) = (ab)c
3. Distributive'
a. a(b + c) = ab + ac or (b + c)a = ba + ca
4. Identity Elements
a. Addition a + 0 = 0 + a = a
b. Multiplication a x 1 = 1 x a = a
5. Inverses
a. Addition a + (-a) = 0
b. Multiplication a x 1/a = (a not equal to 0)
6. Closure
a. Addition a + b in R, (the Real numbers)
b. Multiplication a x b in R
B. Equivalence Relations (as applied to "Equality")
1. a = a (Reflexive property of real numbers)
2. if a = b then b = a (symmetric property)
3. If a = b and b = c, then a = c (Transitive property)
C. Properties of Equality
1. Equals added to equals, sums are equal.
2. *Equals subtracted from equals, differences are equal.
3. Equals multiplied by equals, products are equal.
4. *Equals divided by equals (except 0), quotients are
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 11 IBM PC and Compatibles
Curriculum Guide Appendix A Alfred D'Attore
*These two "properties" are the other side of the same coin as the
preceeding ones.
D. The ÜRÜeal Number System
1. The ÜNÜatural Numbers ⌠123...⌡
2. The ÜWÜhole Numbers ⌠0123 ...⌡
3. The ÜIÜntegers ⌠...-2-1012...⌡
4. The Rational Numbers(ÜQÜ) {The set of all numbers that
ÜcanÜ be written as the ratio of an integer and a natural number}
5. The ÜIrÜrational Numbers {The set of all numbers that
ÜcannotÜ be written as the ratio of an integer and a natural number}
Clearly, the whole numbers contain the natural numbers, the integers
contain the whole numbers (and the naturals), the rationals contain
the integers, etc..
6. The ÜRÜeal Numbers are the union of the rational and
the irrational numbers.
A Venn diagram will make these relationships very clear.
E. Order of Operations
1. *Symbols of Inclusion
2. Exponents
3. Mutiply and divide
4. Add and Subtract
*It should be stressed that students clear the "inner" symbols of
inclusion and then the "outer."
F. Algebraic Expressions
1. The notion of converting words to algebraic symbols is
more natural for students than one might suppose. Examples taken
from their personal experience are given here:
a. Gasoline at $1.10 per gallon 1.10g
b. Your bank principal plus interest P + I
c. 50 feet below sea level s - 50
2. A test is provided to measure students' proficiency in
all the areas delineated above. It is recommended that students be
permitted accessto their notes during testing.
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 12 IBM PC and Compatibles
Curriculum Guide Appendix B Alfred D'Attore
II. Positive and negative arithmetic [isn]
A. Definitions:
Algorithm: An algorithm is a step-by-step, mechanical process
by which something is done in arithmetic -- like adding two numbers,
or taking a ÜsmallÜ positive number from a ÜlargeÜ positive number.
Absolute value: The absolute value of a number is its size, without
regard to its sign. Absolute value is ÜalwaysÜ positive. For
example; the absolute value of 4 is 4. The absolute value of -4 is
also 4.
Subtrahend: The number that is taken away. "7" in the problem:
subtract 7 from 10. "-17" in the problem: -2 - (-17) = 15. "43" in
the problem: 23 - 43 = -20.
B. Addition -- Adding signed numbers
1. (+ to +) Adding a positive number to a positive
number. You have been doing this all your life. The process is
called the addition algorithm. Continue to do it the same way.
2. (- to -) Adding a negative number to a negative
number. Use the ÜadditionÜ algorithm, (as above), and add the
absolute values of the two numbers. Then put a ÜminusÜ sign before
the answer.
3. (+ to - or - to +) Adding a positive number to a
negative number, or adding a negative number to a positive number, is
a two-step process.
a. Use the ÜsubtractionÜ algorithm and take the
ÜsmallerÜ in absolute value from the ÜlargerÜ in absolute value.
b. Apply the correct sign to the answer, by giving it
the sign of the ÜlargerÜ of the two numbers in Üabsolute valueÜ.
1. 6 + 12 = 18 (Rule "1.")
2. -6 + (-12) = 18 (Rule "2.")
3. -6 + 12 = 6 (Rule "3.")
4. 6 + (-12) = -6 (Rule "3.")
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 13 IBM PC and Compatibles
Curriculum Guide Appendix B Alfred D'Attore
C. Subtraction
The subtraction rule:
Change the sign of the ÜsubtrahendÜ and ÜaddÜ.
1. -25 - (-20) = -5
2. 14 - (-3) = 17
3. 24 - 17 = 7 (The subtraction algorithm.)
In the following examplesit might be difficult to see how the rule
applies. When you encounter this type of subtraction, merely
separate the ÜoperatorsÜ by an imaginary slant lineand add on each
side. As follows:
1. -25 - 20 = -45 (-25/-20 = -45), addition rule two)
2. 17 - 28 = -11 (17/-28 = -11), addition rule three)
D. Multiplication and division
The rule:
ÜLikeÜ signs are ÜpositiveÜ.
ÜUnlikeÜ signs are ÜnegativeÜ.
1. 3 x 6 = 18-3 x (-6) = 18
2. -3 x 6 = -183 x (-6) = -18
3. 24 ÷ 3 = 8-24 ÷ (-3) = 8
4. -24 ÷ 3 = -824 ÷ (-3) = -8
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 14 IBM PC and Compatibles
Curriculum Guide Appendix C Alfred D'Attore
III. Linear equations in one variable [eqs1]
A. The properties of equality:
1. Equals added to equals, sums are equal.
2. Equals multiplied by equals, products are equal.
Subtract and divide are the other sides of the same coins as add and
multiply. Consequently, the two properties given above are all that
are strictly necessary for the solution of equations. However, in
practice, the remaining two ÜareÜ used, so here are the rest:
3. Equals subtracted from equals, differences are equal.
4. Equals divided by equals (except zero), quotients are
B. Students will practice solving equations of the type listed
below. Note. Upper-case letters are integers, (positive and negative
whole numbers).
1. Ax + B = C or C = Ax + B
2. Ax + b = Cx + d
3. A(Bx + C) = Dx + E or Dx + E = A(Bx + C)
4. A(Bx + C) + D = E + F(Gx + H)
C. A two page test is provided wherein students demonstrate
their proficiency solving linear equations in one variable.
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 15 IBM PC and Compatibles
Curriculum Guide Appendix D Alfred D'Attore
IV. Word problems
A. Introduction.
Students will appreciate that word problems are necessary. It
matters little how good is their algebraif they cannot put it to use.
Word problems are as close as students can come to real life
situations in the classroom that involve the algebra.
B. Organization.
Organization is of primary importance if students are to solve word
problems. They will therefore ÜformalizeÜ the process as follows:
1. The hypothesis, (assigning one or more variable
2. Creating one or more valid algebraic relations
3. Solving, (finding one or more solutions--usually
requiring reference right back to the hypothesis).
C. Exercises.
1. Linear equations in one variable.
a. Simple number problems, single subject, single
variable, (wp.1a).
b. Double-subject hypotheses, single variable,
2. Simultaneous Equations in Two Variables
a. Simple perimeter problems, (wp.2a).
b. Age problems, two variables, (wp.2b).
c. Miscellaneous, mostly number problems, (wp.2c).
d. Coin problems, (wp.2d).
e. Rate problems, somewhat difficult, (wp.2e).
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 16 IBM PC and Compatibles
Curriculum Guide Appendix D Alfred D'Attore
3. Quadratic Equations
a. Area problems, primarily, not easy, (wp.3a).
4. Fractional Equations
a. Work problems, (wp.4a).
5. Miscellaneous Word ProblemsChallanging
a. Digit-reversal problems plus... (wp.5a)
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 17 IBM PC and Compatibles
Curriculum Guide Appendix E Alfred D'Attore
V. Linear equations in two variables [xplot] and [lineqs]
A. Definitions:
1. Ordered Pair: An ordered pair is a couple of
ÜsomethingsÜ (normally real numbers) bound together by some rule.
e.g. {(a, b), (2, 3), (fire, fireman), (brother, sister), etc.}.
2. Relations: A relation is an ordered pair. A
relation might also be described as an arrow connecting one element
of one set to one element in another set. (The arrow would represent
the rule.)
3. Domain: A set from which is taken the ÜfirstÜ
element of the relation or ordered pair. In the examples given
above: {a, 2, fire, brother}
4. Range: A set from which is taken the ÜsecondÜ
member of the ordered pair. In the examples given above: {b, 3,
fireman, brother}
5. Function: A set of ordered pairs which bind
(connect) exactly one element from the range of the variable to one
element of the domain.
The following set is a function: {(2, 3), (5, 6), (6, 6), (-8,
9), (17,3)}
The following set is ÜnotÜ a function: {(2, 3), (5, 6), (5, 8), (17,
3), (17, 6)}
B. In-Class Work:
1. The following function will be studied in two forms:
a. Form 1 is called the slope-intercept form. It is
very useful for ÜplottingÜ and for solving simultaneous equations
using the substitution method (to be studied later).
y = mx + b
where "x" and "y" are variables and "m" and "b" are simple
b. Form 2 is called the standard (or general) form of
the linear equation in two variables. It too is a very useful,
especially for solving simultaneous equations by the "addition and
subtraction" method and by the method of "matrices" (both of which
shall be studied later). It might be useful to remind students that
"standard" forms are important to computer-usage. Computers
manipulate numbers only. If an equation is given to a computer to
"solve," it must understand that the numbers that are input conform
to some "standard" form, understood by both the program and its
Ax + By = C
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 18 IBM PC and Compatibles
Curriculum Guide Appendix E Alfred D'Attore
where "x" and "y" are variables and "A," "B," and "C" are real
2. The two forms related. Note the following:
We start with the general form --
Ax + By = C
By = -Ax + C using our familiar "equals
subtracted from equals, differences are equal."
y = -Ax/B + C/B using our equally familiar
"equals divided by equals (except zero)quotients are equal."
This latter is the slope-intercept form where the
real number "-A/B" is "m," and the real number "C/B" is "b."
The two ÜformsÜ are considered ÜequivalentÜ.
C. Exercises:
1. Students will be required to plot and read ordered
pairs of real numbers on a Cartesian Coordinate System(an x-y
2. Students will be introduced to a linear equation in two
variables, slope-intercept form. They will form "rosters," (lists of
ordered pairs)and "plot" enough "points" to form a "line." [xplot]
3. Students will be introduced to the concept of ÜslopeÜ
and determining slopes from ordered pairs. [lineqs]
4. Students will be given slopes and one ordered pair.
They will then determine the equation of origin. Alternately,
students will be given the y-intercepts and one ordered pair. Once
again, they will determine the equation of origin. [lineqs]
5. Students will be given two ordered pairs. From these,
they will determine the equation of origin. This is a gentle
introduction to "curve-fitting," one of the most important and
widely-used mathematical techniques in space-systems, test and
analysis. [lineqs]
D. Test and Evaluation.
1. up to three weeks are allocated this sequence.
2. A two-page test is provided to test student
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 19 IBM PC and Compatibles
Curriculum Guide Appendix F Alfred D'Attore
VI. Simultaneous equations in two variables [simeqs]
A. Exercises:
1. Students will "solve" simultaneous equations by --
a. Plotting.
b. Substitution.
c. Addition and Subtraction (Linear Combinations).
d. Converting the matrix of equations to its "Hermite
Normal Form:"
ÜThe EquationsÜ ÜThe MatrixÜ ÜHermite Normal FormÜ
Ax + By = C A B C 1 0 X
Dx + Ey = F D E F 0 1 Y
The rules
(1) Exchange any two rows.
(2) Multiply any row by any number.
(3) Add any number to any row.
(4) Combine (2) and (3) in one operation.
2. A one page exercise is provided wherein students must
use all four methods of solving simultaneous equations in two
3. The program also provides a two page test to measure
students' proficiency in this sequence.
B. Up to one month is allocated this sequence. Students
sometimes claim to have particular difficulty finding "matrix"
solutions. But I'm not persuaded. The methodology is understood.
Invariably, mistakes were found to have been made in positive and
negative arithmetic. Students should learn this "matrix" system. It
is the wave of the future, and here it is given in its simplest form.
It might be worthwhile putting some of these "incorrect" matrix
examples on the board. They might serve to demonstrate where these
"matrix errors" truly lie.
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 20 IBM PC and Compatibles
Curriculum Guide Appendix G Alfred D'Attore
VII. Quadratic equations [trifact]
A. Students will learn that quadratics are a new class of
equations characterized by an the exponent "2." Listed below is a
review of the equation-types studied to date, (given in their
"standard" forms).
1. Ax + B = C (Linear equation in one
2. Ax + By = C (Linear equation in two
And the new equation:
3. Ax▀2▀ + Bx + C = 0 (The new "quadratic
B. Exercises:
1. The student will multiply "monomials" and "binomials,"
positivefirst terms only, obtaining "quadratic" polynomials.
2. The student will multiply monomials and binomials with signed
numbers for first terms and with factorable constants.
3. Factoring Trinomials:
a. The student will reverse the process now and
"factor" trinomials into monomials and binomials. Positive "quad"
terms first. The method of "FOIL" is introduced here as an aid to
b. The student will "factor" trinomials with mixed
(positive and negative) "quad" terms and factorable constants.
4. Solving Quadratics equations:
a. Students will factor and "solve" ÜfactorableÜ
quadratics equations of all types; i.e., with positive quadratic
terms first, with "mixed" quadratic terms, and with factorable
b. Students will "standardize" non-standard quadratic
equations, then factor and solve them as above.
C. A two page test is provided, wherein students demonstrate
their proficiency multiplying polynomials, factoring quadratric
polynomials, and solving factorable, quadratic equations.
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 21 IBM PC and Compatibles
Curriculum Guide Appendix H Alfred D'Attore
VII. Fractional Equations [f.eqs]
A. Types:
Ax + B Dx + E A D
1. -------- = -------- or -------- = --------
C F Bx + C Ex + F
2. -------- + D = E
Bx + C
Ax + B
3. -------- + Dx = E
4. ----- + ----- = ----- or ----- + ----- = E
Bx Dx F Bx Dx
5. -------- + D = Ex + F
Bx + C
B. The rule:
1. Find the lowest common denominator, (LCD), of each and
every fraction in the equation. (This is normally quite simple.)
2. Multiply each and every term by this LCD, thus reducing
the fractional equation to a series of in-line terms.
3. Gather "like" terms and solve as per linear, (or in the
case of "5" indicated above), per non-standard, quadratic equation.
4. It should be noted that the types indicated in "1,"
above, are really proportions, (as in ratios and proportions). Their
unique characteristic is such that there is but one term on each
side: a fraction. In which case, students may "cross-multiply and
equate." Even though the general rule will serve for all types of
fractional equations, students often prefer using this latter method
of solving type "1" equations.
C. Timing
Two weeks will normally suffices for this phase. Types "4" and "5"
are found to be the most difficult. Occasionally, it has been
necessary to repeat one or both of these.
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 22 IBM PC and Compatibles
Curriculum Guide Appendix I Alfred D'Attore
IX. Decimal Equations [esq1.d]
A. The rules:
1. Essentially, the same as for fractional equations
above, but much easier. It should be pointed out that all decimals
are -- in fact -- fractions with denomonators that are multiples of
2. Find the "deepest" decimal. (Among the equations
offered in this series, this would be "thousandths.") Multiply each
and every term by this "denominator." The effect toward
simplification will be the same as indicated above, in sequence
3. Gather like terms and solve "in-line" equation.
B. Timing
Approximately one week normally suffices for this sequence. By this
time, students find it pretty much "old stuff."
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 23 IBM PC and Compatibles
Curriculum Guide Appendix J Alfred D'Attore
IX. Rational Fractions, Exponentials [rfex] Optional
A. It is recommended that these sub-subjects be covered in the
order presented here.
1. Simplify.
2. Multiplication, division and mixed, multiplication and
3. Addition, subtraction and mixed, addition and
4. Mixed, covering all operations and providing a good
review fortesting.
B. A two page test is provided to measure student proficiency
relative to rational fractions, exponentials.
C. Since this sequence is optional -- all or in part -- the
time allocated is be left to the teacher's discretion.
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 24 IBM PC and Compatibles
Curriculum Guide Appendix J Alfred D'Attore
X. Rational Fractions, Factorables [rff] Optional
A. It is recommended that these sub-subjects be covered in the
order presented here.
1. Simplify.
2. Line multiply, to include "powers to powers."
3. Multiplication, division and mixed, multiplication and
4. Addition, subtraction and mixed, addition and
5. Sequential Mix, covering all operations and providing a
good review for testing.
B. A two page test is provided to measure student proficiency
with rational fractions, factorables.
C. Since this sequence is optional -- all or in part -- the
time allocated is be left to the teacher's discretion.
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 25 IBM PC and Compatibles
Curriculum Guide Appendix K Alfred D'Attore
XI. Quadratic Equations, Real or Complex Solutions. [quad]
A. By now, non-standard equations are "old hat." The equations
given in this sequence are all standard. They can be varied as to
difficulty level and for positive or negative "quadratic" terms only.
Following are recommendations relative to subject area to be
1. Completing the square, reals. Students will solve
quadratic equations by completing the square.
2. Completing the square, complex solutions. The concept
of "square root of minus one" is introduced. Students are shown how
to relegate "imaginary" portions of complex numbers to a real
multiplied by the square root of minus one: thereby introducing "i"
as in x + iy.
3. Teacher and then students will use the technique of
"completing the square" starting with the general for of the
quadratic equation:
Ax▀2▀ + Bx + C = 0
and obtaining the quadratic formula.
4. Students will use the quadratic formula to solve
quadratic equations of all types.
B. A 12 question test is provided to measure students'
proficiency solving quadratic equations with real or complex
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 26 IBM PC and Compatibles
sf.1a Alg. Semi Final Exam. Name Ü 9 Ü Period Ü Ü
Identify as {N, W, I, Q, Ir, R}, or combinations thereof.
1. 7.625625625. ___________________ 2. sqr(9) _____________________
3. 7.2815307... __________________ 4. sqr(7) _____________________
Perform operations as indicated.
5. (5 x 9) ÷ (17 - 2) _________ 6. [83 - (7 x 2)] - (9 ÷ 3) _______
7. 320 - 200 ÷ 25 _________ 8. 48 ÷ (12 - 6) ____________
Identify Postulate
9. a + b = b + a _______________ 10. a x b in R ____________________
11. 6(2 + a) = 6(2) + 6(a) ____________________________________________
12. -3h + 7 = 10 13. 5r - 3 = 12r + 67 14. 9a + 3 = a - 132 - 7a
15. 9(-7n + 2) = -2n - 567 16. 4(x + 6) + 78 = 2x - 6(3x + 3)
17. Find slope. 18. Find equation if 19. Find equation if line
line has slope of passes thru points
(-3, -8), (-1, 0) 4 and passes thru (4, 7), ( 2, 3)
(-3, -8)
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 27 IBM PC and Compatibles
sf.1a Alg. Semi Final Exam. Name Ü 9 Ü Period Ü Ü
20. by substitution 21. by add. & sub. 22. by matrices
x - y = -1 -x - 3y = 10 5x + 2y = 45
-x + 3y = -1 6x + 5y = 5 -x - y = -12
Solve by graphing
23. x + y = -3 24. -x + 2y = 4
-3x + y = 5 x + y = 5
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
25. Find three consecutive even 26. The length of a rectangle is six
integers such that the sum of the inches less than three times its
first two is 10 more than the width. If the perimeter is 92 in-
third. ches, find the length and width.
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 28 IBM PC and Compatibles
sf.1b Algebra Sem. Final Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
1. Match letters with appropriate numbers.
I. _______ Commutativemultiplcation a. ca + cb = c(a + b)
II. _______ Identityaddition b. 114 x 0 = 0
III. _______ Distributive property c. Closure, multiplication
IV. _______ Mult. property of "0" d. ab = ba
V. _______ a + b in R e. a + b = b + a
f. Closure, addition
2. Identify as {N, W, I, Q, Ir, R}, or combinations thereof.
a. .51051051... _____________________ b. Sqr(15) ___________________
c. -1 1/5 _____________________ d. Sqr(144) __________________
3. Solve by graphing. 4. Solve by Substitution method.
-x + y = -1 x + y = 5
3x + y = -5 5x + 6y = 29
. 5. Solve by Addition and Subtraction.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 4x + 5y = 25
. x + y = 6
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 29 IBM PC and Compatibles
sf.1b Algebra Sem. Final Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
Solve by substitution. Solve by method of matrices.
6. -x + 3y = -10 7. -5x + 3y = 7
3x + 4y = -22 6x - 7y = -5
8. Find slope 9. Find equation (y = mx + b form).
( 8, 5), (-7, 14) ( 0, 5), ( 4, -3)
Words Problems
10. The second of two consecutive 11. Eddy had 43 coins in his piggy-
odd integers is 5 more than bank. If he had $5.25 in all,
twice the first. Find the how many dimes did he have? How
integers. many quarters?
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 30 IBM PC and Compatibles
sf.1c Algebra Sem. Final Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
1. In the blanks to the right, indicate the postulate illustrated
a. a(b + c) = ab + ac ___________________________________________
b. ab in R ___________________________________________
c. a(bc) = (ab)c ___________________________________________
d. a + b = b + a ___________________________________________
e. 1000 x .001 = 1 ___________________________________________
2. Indicate {N, W, I, Q, Ir, R}, or combinations thereof.
a. Sqr(42) _______________________ b. Sqr(49) ___________________
c. -18 _______________________ d. 452 1/4 ___________________
3. Perform the following operations.
a. 13 + (-17) = _______ b. 3 ÷ -13 = _______ c. -10 + (-13) = ______
d. -12 ÷ (-4) = _______ e. -13 x 8 = ______ f. -50 ÷ -8 = _______
g. 7 - 22 = _______ h. -4 - (-13) = ______ i. 7 - (-13) = ________
Solve for variable
4. 24 = -4y + 4 5. -12 = -5w - 2 6. 2a - 5 = 3a - 7
7. -2(-5y + 4) = 21y + 25 8. -(-4m + 3) + 13 = 3m - (2 + 5m)
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 31 IBM PC and Compatibles
sf.1c Algebra Sem. Final Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
9. Find slope only. 10. Find equation (y = mx + b form).
(4, -20), (-4, 12) (-3, 9), (-4, 12)
11. Solve by graphing. 12. Solve by Substitution method.
-x + y = -1 x - 2y = -5
2x + y = -4 3x + y = -1
. 13. Solve by Addition & Subtraction.
. 5x - 6y = 59
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -5x + 4y = -51
Solve by substitution. Solve by method of matices.
14. -6x - 5y = 16 15. -4x - 3y = 2
x + 4y = -2 3x + 7y = 8
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 32 IBM PC and Compatibles
sf.1c Algebra Sem. Final Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
16. 1.57a + 4.41 = .01a - 4.95 17. -.5(.3b - 7) = -5b -6.2
18. Find three consecutive even 19. The length of a football field
integers whose sum is 144. is 20 yards more than twice the
width. If the perimeter is 520
yards, find the length and width.
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 33 IBM PC and Compatibles
sf.1d Algebra Sem. Final Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
Identify as {N, W, I, Q, Ir, R}, or combinations thereof.
1. 7.625625625. ___________________ 2. sqr(9) ____________________
3. 7.2815307... __________________ 4. sqr(7) ____________________
Perform operations as indicated.
5. (5 x 9) ÷ (17 - 2) _________ 6. [83 - (7 x 2)] - (9 ÷ 3) _______
7. 320 - 200 ÷ 25 _________ 8. 48 ÷ 012 - 6) ____________
Identify Postulate
9. a + b = b + a _______________ 10. a x b in R ___________________
11. 6(2 + a) = 6(2) + 6(a) ___________________________________________
12. -3h + 7 = 10 13. 5r - 3 = 12r + 67 14. 9a + 3 = a - 132 - 7a
15. 9(-7n + 2) = -2n - 567 16. 4(x + 6) + 78 = 2x - 6(3x + 3)
17. Find slope. 18. Find equation if 19. Find equation if line
line has slope of passes thru points
(-3, -8)(-1, 0) 4 and passes thru (4, 7)(2, 3)
(-3, -8)
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 34 IBM PC and Compatibles
sf.1d Algebra Sem. Final Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
20. by substitution 21. by add. & sub. 22. by matrices
x - y = -1 -x - 3y = 10 5x + 2y = 45
-x + 3y = -1 6x + 5y = 5 -x - y = -12
Solve by graphing Do any two of the last three word
23. -x + 2y = 4
x + y = 5 24. A jar held $7.75 in quarters and
dimes. If there were 52 coins in
. all, how many quarters were
. there? How mamy dimes?
. dimes?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
25. Find three consecutive even 26. The length of a rectangle is six
integers such that the sum of the inches less than three times its
first two is 10 more than the width. If the perimeter is 92
third. inches, find the length and
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 35 IBM PC and Compatibles
sf.2a Algebra Sem. Final Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
1. Solve
a. -2y - 2 = 12 b. 3h - 3 = -h - 35 c. 8y + 7 = 22 - y + 3y
d. 2(6a - 5) = -3a - 85 e. 4(4h - 1) - 34 = h - (2 - 3h)
2. Write the complete postulate to the right of the given expression.
a. 3 + 1 = 1 + 3 ______________________________________
b. (a + b)c = a(b) + a(c) ______________________________________
3. Identify as {N, W, I, Q, Ir, R}, or sub-combinations thereof.
a. sqr(8) ____________________ b. 1.891891891... __________________
c. 0 ____________________ d. -3/4 ___________________
e. -1784321 ________________ f. sqr(121) _____________________
4. Perform operations as indicated.
a. 8 + 2(7 ÷ 7) = ________ b. 6(8 + 6 x 5) + 5(7 x 7) = ________
c. 3 + 5 ÷ 2 = ________ d. 2[(2 + 4 ÷ 2) + 3] = __________
5. Simplify
a. (5a▀4▀)(3a▀7▀) b. (5a▀5▀)▀2▀ c. (-3a▀2▀b▀3▀)▀3▀
d. -3x▀2▀y(-x▀2▀ - 2xy - y▀2▀) e. Evaluate if a = -3, b = -2
3a(2a▀2▀ - 5ab▀7▀)
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 36 IBM PC and Compatibles
sf.2a Algebra Sem. Final Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
6. Factor completely.
a. 2x▀2▀ - 9x + 4 b. 3x▀2▀ - 9 c. 3x▀2▀ + 14x + 8
7. Solve
a. by factoring b. by compl. square c. Solve by formula
2x▀2▀ - 17x - 9 = 0 x = 3 - x▀2▀ 3x▀2▀ - 7x - 5 = 0
8. Solve by graphing 9. Graph using at least 5 points.
3x - y = 10 y = x▀2▀ - 2x + 1
2x + y = 5
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 37 IBM PC and Compatibles
sf.2a Algebra Sem. Final Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
10. Solve
a. by substitution b. by add. & sub. c. by matrices
3x + y = 4 2x + y = -5 7x + 6y = -43
7x - 2y = -21 4x + 3y = -13 6x + 7y = -48
d. 18 e. 0.1(5 - .2x) = .75 + .199x
-------- - 3 = -2x + 3
2x + 5
11. Simplify
c. 4 2 3 d. a▀3▀b▀7▀(2x▀2▀ +9x - 5)
-------------- + ----- + ----- -------------------------
k▀2▀ - k - 20 k - 5 k + 4 a▀2▀b▀9▀(2x▀2▀ + 7x - 15)
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 38 IBM PC and Compatibles
sf.2a Algebra Sem. Final Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
12. Solve any three of four of the following.
a. One number is seven more than b. Sam can paint the house is 48
twice another. If their sum is hrs. Pete can do it in 36 hrs.
99, what are the two numbers? How long would it take if they
painted the house together?
c. The length of a rectangular d. The sum of the digits of a two
field is 20 yards shorter digit integer is 14. If the di-
than three times its width. gits are reversed, the new inte-
If the perimeter is 880 yards, ger is 18 less than the original.
find the length and the width? Find the original integer.
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 39 IBM PC and Compatibles
sf.2b Algebra Sem. Final Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
1. Solve.
a. 17 = 3a + 2 b. 17 + 4x = x + 11
2. Solve.
a. 2y - 32 = -2(36 - 5y) b. 3(a + 20) - 15 = 8 - 2(-9 - 5)
3. Write the complete postulate to the right of the given expression.
a. a x ( b x c) = a x (b x c) ____________________________________
b. If a = b then b = a ____________________________________
Identify as {N, w, I, Q, Ir, R}, or subsets thereof.
c. .012012012... ____________ d. Sqr(66) ______________________
e. 1/13 ___________________ f. 1 ___________________________
Perform operations as indicated.
g. 15 + 15 ÷ 5 = ____________ h. 25 x 6 - 2 = __________________
i. 25 x (6 - 2) = ___________ j. 3 + 4[(5 - 6(7-5)] = __________
4. Find slope (1 point.) 5. Find equation (y = mx + b form).
(5, -10), ( 1, 2) ( 0, -1), ( 4, 7)
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 40 IBM PC and Compatibles
sf.2b Algebra Sem. Final Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
6. Solve by graphing (5 points) 7. Solve by Subst.
x + y = -3 2x + y = -3
-3x + y = 5 -2x + 3y = 7
. 8. Solve by addition and subtraction.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 2x - y = -9
. -x + 7y = 50
9. Factor completely.
a. 14a▀3▀ -21b▀5▀ b. 21 - 84q▀2▀ c. 2x▀2▀ - 11x + 15
10. Solve by factoring.
a. 3x▀2▀ - 8 = 10x b. 25x▀2▀ + 20 x - 5 = 0
11. Perform operations as indicated.
a. c t▀2▀ + 2t + 1 b. 6r▀3▀x 24r▀2▀x▀2▀
----- x ------------- ------ ÷ ----------
t + 1 c▀2▀ 7q▀2▀ 49q
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 41 IBM PC and Compatibles
sf.2b Algebra Sem. Final Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
c. 2w + 1 W - 5 d. 5a + b 4a + 2b
------ + ------ -------- - ---------
3w 2w a - b a - b
12. Solve for the variable.
a. 1 3 b.
--- + ----- = 6 1.3x + .44 = -2.16
x 11x
13. Solve with Matrices. 14. Solve.
2x + y = -5 27
4x + 3y = -13 ------- - 3 = 4x - 2
x + 1
15. A box holds 60 coins in dimes 16. Cain and Abel worked the farm for
and quarters. There is $8.55 six days together. Abel could
in all. How many dimes and have done the work alone in eight
how many quarters are there? days. How long would it have
taken Cain to do the work alone?
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 42 IBM PC and Compatibles
sf.2c Algebra Sem. Final Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
1. Solve
a. 3a = -9a + 114 b. -3x + 82 = -9x + 28
c. 8x - 3(7x - 4) = 45 + 3x d. -7x - 3(x - 4) = 38 + 4(3 - 7x)
2. Solve by graphing 3. Solve by Substitution method.
x + y = -3 2x + y = -3
-3x + y = 5 -2x + 3y = 7
. 4. Solve by addition and subtraction.
. 2x - y = -9
. -x + 7y = 50
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 18. Solve using matrix methods
. 2x + y = -5
. 4x + 3y = -13
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 43 IBM PC and Compatibles
sf.2c Algebra Sem. Final Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
5. Find the slope. 6. Find equation in y = mx + b form.
(5, -10), (1, 2) ( 0, -1)(4, 7)
Factor the following ÜcompletelyÜ over integers.
7. 14a▀3▀ -21b▀5▀ 8. 21 - 84q▀2▀ 9. 2x▀2▀ - 11x + 15
Solve by factoring
10. 3x▀2▀ - 8 = 10x 11. 25x▀2▀ + 20 x - 5 = 0
12. Multiply and symplify 13. Divide and simplify
c t▀2▀ + 2t + 1 6r▀3▀x 24r▀2▀x▀2▀
----- . ------------- ------ ÷ ----------
t + 1 c▀2▀ 7q▀2▀ 49q
14. Add and simplify. 15. Subtract and simplify.
2w + 1 W - 5 5a + b 4a + 2b
------ + ------ -------- - ---------
3w 2w a - b a - b
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 44 IBM PC and Compatibles
sf.2c Algebra Sem. Final Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
Solve for variable
16. 2 -3 17. -.7a +.17 = -.04a + .29
-------- = --------
3x + 4 x - 50
18. 5 5 1 19. -72
----- + ----- = ----- --------- -1 = -3x + 5
3x 4x 3 x + 3
20. A rectangular lot is 16 ft. 21. Mary could do the kitchen alone
longer in length than in width. in 12 hours. She could do it
If the perimeter is 194 ft., what with John in 8. How much time
is the lot's length and width? would it take John to do it
22. The sum of the digits of a two 23. Find two consecutive odd inte-
digit integer is 13. If the di- gers whose sum is 144.
gits are reversed, the new inte-
ger is 27 less than the old.
What was the original integer?
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 45 IBM PC and Compatibles
sf.2d Algebra Sem. Final Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
Write the axiom or postulate to the right.
1. a + b in R _______________________________________________________
2. if a = b & b = c, then a = c ______________________________________
3. a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c _________________________________________
Solve for the variable.
4. 8b + 8 = 40 5. -114 = -10y + 6
6. n - 3 = -11n - 135 7. -11h + 12 = -h - 108
8. 9(-8x - 3) = 5x + 435 9. -(5r + 3) + 18 = 6r + 4(5 - 3r)
10. Find slope only. 12. Find equation (y = mx + b form).
( 1, 0), (0, -4) (-4, -24), (-3, -19)
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 46 IBM PC and Compatibles
sf.2d Algebra Sem. Final Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
13. Solve by graphing. 14. Solve by Substitution method
-x + y = -1 x - 2y = -5
2x + y = -4 3x + y = -1
. 15. Solve by add. and sub.
. 5x - 6y = 59
. -5x + 4y = -51
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
solve by substitution. Solve by method of matrices.
16. -6x - 5y = 16 17. -4x - 3y = 2
x + y = -2 3x + 7y = 8
18. (8x + 5)(x + 7) 19. 3( 7x + 8)(-3x - 2)
Factor completely over the integers.
20. -12x▀2▀ - 6x 21. 36x▀2▀ - 25 22. -6x▀2▀ + 18x + 12
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 47 IBM PC and Compatibles
sf.2d Algebra Sem. Final Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
Solve by factoring.
23. 8x▀2▀ - 10x + 3 = 0 24. 25x▀2▀ - 9 = 0
25. 15x▀2▀ - x - 2 = 0 26. -9x▀2▀ = 54x + 45
Solve for variable
27. 5 -5 28. 2x + 59
-------- = --------- ---------- + 5x = 1
5x + 2 4x + 3 5
29. 4 1 1 30. -2
- ----- - ------ = --- ------- + 3 = x - 1
3x 2x 2 x - 1
31. Simplify. 32. Divide and simplify.
2x▀3▀y▀5▀z 3r▀4▀x 15r▀3▀x▀3▀
------------ ------ ÷ ----------
12xy▀5▀z▀5▀ 34q▀3▀ 51q
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 48 IBM PC and Compatibles
sf.2d Algebra Sem. Final Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
33. Add and simplify. 34. Subtract and simplify.
3x + 2 2x - 3 3a - b 2a + 3b
-------- + -------- -------- - ---------
6x 4x a + b a - b
35. The length of a rectangle is 36. Mary is five years older than Sue.
11 inches less than three 10 years agoshe was twice as old
times its width. If the peri- as Sue. How old are the two girls
meter is 154 inches, find the now?
length and width.
37. One integer is two more 38. If Brandon mows the lawn in 3
than twice another. If their hours and Larry Does the same
sum is 53, find the integers. job in 5 hours, how long would
it take them both to mow the
lawn, working together?
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 49 IBM PC and Compatibles
wp.1a Alg. Word Problems Name Ü Ü Pd.Ü Ü
Word problems, single subject, single variable
1. Seven more than three times a 2. Six more than a number increased
number is 41 more than the number. by the number is 40. Find the num-
Find the number. ber.
3. Five less than two times a 4. Three times the sum of four
number is 261. Find the number. and a number is the same as 18 in-
creased by the no. Find the number.
5. Three less than three times a 6. Seven less than six times a num-
number is the same as five less ber is the same as the number de-
than twice the number. Find the creased by two. Find the number.
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 50 IBM PC and Compatibles
wp.1a Alg. Word Problems Name Ü Ü Pd.Ü Ü
7. Five more than the twice the 8. A certain number is twenty-seven
sum of a number and 15 is 32 more more than four times itself. Find
than the number. Find the number. the number.
9. Six less than 4 times the sum 10. Five times the difference: 16
of a number and three is 11 minus a number is 5 more than ten
times the number. Find the number. times the number. Find the number.
11. Seven times the sum of three 12. Six times the difference: 7
times a number and four is 217. minus two times the numberis 55
Find the number. plus the number. Find the number.
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 51 IBM PC and Compatibles
wp.1b Algebra Word Problems Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
Word problems, single variable, multiple subject
1. The sum of two consecutive in- 2. The sum of three consecutive
tegers is -17. Find the integers. integers is 279. Find the integers.
3. Find four consecutive integers 4. Find two consecutive integers
whose sum is -130. whose sum is -25
5. Find two consecutive integers 6. Find three consecutive integers
such that four times the smaller such that the sum of the first and
minus three times the larger is 0. third is 40
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 52 IBM PC and Compatibles
wp.1b Algebra Word Problems Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
7. Find two consecutive integers 8. Find three consecutive odd inte-
such that twice the smaller de- gers such that their sum decreased
creased by the larger equals 53. by the second equals 50.
9. The sum of two consecutive odd 10. Find three consecutive even int
integers is -76. Find the inte- egers such that the sum of the first
gers. two is 10 more than the third.
11. Find three consecutive odd 12. Find four consecutive even int-
integers if the largest is nine egers if the largest is two less
more than twice the smallest. than twice the smallest.
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 53 IBM PC and Compatibles
wp.1b Algebra Word Problems Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
13. Find four consecutive odd in- 14. Find three consecutive even in-
tegers such that twice the smaller tegers such that the sum of the
decreased by the larger equals 53. first and third is 272.
15. The sum of three consecu- 16. Find three consecutive integers
tive even integers is 240. if the twice the largest is 4 less
Find the integers. than the smallest.
17. The sum of three consecutive 18. Find four consecutive odd inte-
odd integers is 243. Find the gers if three times the smallest
integers. is 5 more than twice the largest.
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 54 IBM PC and Compatibles
wp.2a Algebra Word problems Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
Word Problems, perimeters, double variable
1. The length of a rectangle is 7 2. The perimeter of a triangle is
times its width. The perimeter is 54 inches. The second side is 3
64 centimeters. Find the length times the first. The 3rd side is 2
and width. times the first. Find each side.
3. The length of a rectangle is 8 4. A football field is 12 yards less
inches more than twice its width. than twice as long as it is wide.
The perimeter is 112 inches. Find If its perimeter is 456 yards, find
the length and the width. the length and width.
5. The length of a rectangle is 6. The perimeter of a rectangle
three feet less than 3 times its is 68 feet. The length exceeds the
width. The perimeter is 66 ft. width by two feet. Find the length
Find the length and width. and width.
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 55 IBM PC and Compatibles
wp.2a Algebra Word problems Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
7. The base of an isosceles 8. One of two congruent sides of an
triangle 8 in. The perimeter is isosceles triangle is 7 ft. The peri-
30 in. Find the lengths of the meter is 24 ft. Find the base.
two congruent sides.
9. A square and an equilateral 10. Each side of an equilateral trian-
triangle have the same perime- gle is 2 ft more than each side of a
ter Each side of the square is square. Their perimeters are the same.
12 ft. Find the length of Find the length of each side of the
each side of the triangle. triangle.
11. The length of a rectangle 12. The length of a rectangle is two
is 6 feet less than twice its feet more than 3 times its width.
width. The perimeter is 126 The perimeter is 156 feet. Find the
ft. Find the length and width. length and width.
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 56 IBM PC and Compatibles
wp.2a Algebra Word problems Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
13. The base of an isosceles 14. A square has sides two feet less
triangle 13 in. The perimeter than the sides of an equilateral tri-
is 33 innches. Find the lengths angle. If the perimeters are the same,
of the equal sides. find the length of sides of the square.
15. The length of a rectangle 16. The length of a rectangle is
is 6 feet greater than its 2 feet less than twice its width.
width. The perimeter is 40 ft. If the perimeter is 68 yards, find
Find the length and width. the length and width.
17. The base of an isosceles 18. One of two congruent sides of an
triangle 8 in. The perimeter is isosceles triangle is 7 ft. The peri-
30 in. Find the lengths of the meter is 24 ft. Find the base.
two congruent sides.
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 57 IBM PC and Compatibles
wp.2a Algebra Word problems Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
19. A square and an equilateral 20. Each side of an equilateral tri-
triangle have the same perime- angle is 2 ft more than each side of
ter Each side of the square is a square. Their perimeters are the
12 ft. Find the length of same. Find the length of each side
each side of the triangle. of the triangle.
21. The length of a rectangle 22. The length of a rectangle is two
is 6 feet less than twice its feet more than 3 times its width.
width. The perimeter is 126 The perimeter is 156 feet. Find the
ft. Find the length and width. length and width.
23. The base of an isosceles 24. A square has sides two feet less
triangle 13 in. The perimeter than the sides of an equilateral tri-
is 33 inches. Find the lengths angle. If the perimeters are the same
of the equal sides. find the length of sides of the sq.
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 58 IBM PC and Compatibles
wp.2b Algebra Word Problems Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
Word problems, wp.2b, Age problems
1. Anna is four times as old as 2. Tom's age is twice Sue's age.
Ramon. In 4 years, Anna will be Two years agoTom was three times
only twice as old as Ramon. How as old as Sue. How old are they
old is each now? now
3. Johnny is 25 years older than 4. June is 20 years older than Lea.
Bob. In 15 years, Johnny will be 16 years ago, June was 3 times as
twice as old as Bob. How old are old as Lea. How old are they
they now? now?
5. George is 8 years older than 6. Pete is six years younger
his brother, Sam. Five years ago, than Sue. Nine years ago, Sue was
George was three times as old as twice Pete's age. How old are Pete
Sam. How old are they now? and Sue today?
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 59 IBM PC and Compatibles
wp.2b Algebra Word Problems Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
7. Lil is 5 yesrs older than Mel. 8. Joe is 18 years younger than
Six years ago, Lil was twice as Sammy. In 9 years, Joe will be one
old as Mel. How old are they half Sammy's age. How old are
now? they now?
9. Mary is 16 years older than 10. Bob is 10 years older than Tony.
Jane. In 9 years, Mary will be 17 years ago, Bob was three times
twice Jane's age. How old are Tony's age. How old are they now?
each now?
11. Ella is one year more than 12. Six years hence, Able will be
four times May's age. In seven three times Cain's age. Three yrs
years, Ella will be twice May's ago, Able was 12 times Cain's age.
age. How old are each now? How old are they today?
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 60 IBM PC and Compatibles
wp.2c Algebra Sem. Final Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
Word problems, wp.2c, two variable, mostly numbers
1. The sum of two numbers is 26. 2. 7/10 of an audience was rotten.
The second number is 2 less than 129 were okay. How many were rot-
times the first. Find the nos. ten?
3. The sum of two numbers is 21. 4. One number is 7 more than twice
One number is three less than the another. The sum of the numbers is
other. Find the numbers. 55. Find the numbers.
5. The second of two numbers is 6. The smaller of two numbers is
16 less than 3 times the first. 10 less than the larger. The sum of
The sum of the two numbers is 64. the numbers is 76. What are the
What are the numbers? numbers?
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 61 IBM PC and Compatibles
wp.2c Algebra Sem. Final Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
7. The second of two numbers is 8. The greater of two numbers is 3
5 times the first. Their sum is more than twice the smaller. Their
42. Find the numbers. sum is 24. Find the numbers.
9. The greater of two numbers is 10. The sum of two numbers is 19. The
9 more than the smaller. Their second is 8 less than twice the first.
sum is 83. Find the numbers. Find the numbers.
11. The greater of two numbers is 12. Find two numbers if their sum is
12 less than 4 times the smaller. 62 and the greater is 10 more than 3
Their sum is 23. Find the nos. times the smaller.
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 62 IBM PC and Compatibles
wp.2c Algebra Sem. Final Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
13. Sixty-eight students are 14. The sum of three numbers is 26.
separated into two groups. The The second number is twice the first
first group is 3 times as large and the third is six more than the
as the second. How many stu- second. Find the numbers.
dents are in each group?
15. The greater of two numbers 16. The second of two numbers is 4
is 3 more than the smaller. If more than the first. If the second
twice the smaller is added to is increased by 1, the result is
the greater, the result is 30. twice the first. Find the numbers.
Find the numbers.
17. The larger of two numbers is 18. The greater of two numbers is 5
4 times the first. Their sum is more than three times the smaller.
35. Find the numbers. Their sum is 57. Find the numbers.
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 63 IBM PC and Compatibles
wp.2c Algebra Sem. Final Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
19. The larger of two numbers is 20. 36 candies are separated into 2
12 less than twice the smaller. types. Their are 4 more than 3 times
Their sum is 111. Find the num- as many red candies as yellow. How
bers. many candies of each color are there?
21. The greater of two numbers 22. Paula had 7 times as many nickels
is 8 less than 3 times the smal- as quarters. If the value of her
ler. Their sum is 36. What are coins was $1.80, how many quarters
the numbers? did she have
23. The sum of two numbers is 26. 24. Six more than a number increased
The second number is 2 less than by the number is 40. Find the number.
3 times the first. Find the nos.
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 64 IBM PC and Compatibles
wp.2d Algebra Word Problems Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
Word problems, wp.2d, two variables, coins
1. A coin collection of nickels 2. A cash box with quarters and half-
and dimes amounts to $90. There dollars contains $5.75. If there are
are 4 times as many nickels as 16 coins in all, how many of each
dimes. How many coins of each type of coins are in the box?
type are there?
3. Maria has 39 coins in ni- 4. A cash drawer contains $187 in
kels and quarters in her collec- $1 and $5 bills. There are 7 more
tion. If she has a total of $1 bills than $5 bills. How many of
$5.15, How many quarters and each are there?
nickels does she have?
5. John had 6 times as many 6. Mary had $3.41. She had 2 more
dimes as nickels, and two more dimes than half dollars, and 3 times
pennies than dimes. He had as many pennies than dimes. How many
$2.15 in all. How many of each pennies did she have?
kind of coin did he have?
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 65 IBM PC and Compatibles
wp.2d Algebra Word Problems Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
7. A coin collection contains 70 8. A cash box with quarters and half-
coins in nickels and dimes. If dollars contains $7.75. If there are
there is $5.85 in all, how many a total of 24 coins, how many of each
nickels and dimes are there? type of coin are there in the box?
9. Sam has a total of 254 coins 10. Sue has 6 times as many nickels
in dimes and quarters. He has as quarters. Their value is $9.35.
$44.75 in all. How many dimes How many nickels and quarters does
and quarters does he have? she have?
11. Frank had 91 coins in nickels 12. Susan had $24.95 in nickels and
and dimes. If he had $5.35, how dimes. She had 100 more nickels
many of each coin did he have? than dimes. How many coins of
each type did she have?
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 66 IBM PC and Compatibles
wp.2d Algebra Word Problems Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
13. A jar held $49.35 in nickels 14. The good ones cost $20 each. The
and quarters. There were 483 poor ones cost $5 each. Mary had
coins in all. How many coins of 75 more poor ones than good ones,
each type were in the jar? and their total worth was $750. How
many of each kind did she have?
15. A jar held 450 coins in ni- 16. Mark had $72.50 in quarters and
kels and quarters. Their value half-dollars. If he had 190 coins
was $62.50. How many of each all told, how many of each type did
coin was in the jar? he have?
17. There are 135 quarters and 18. Paula had 7 times as many nickels
half-dollars in a tray. If there as quarters. If the value of her
is $46.75 in all, how many coins coins was $1.80, how many quarters
of each type are in the tray? did she have
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 67 IBM PC and Compatibles
wp.2d Algebra Word Problems Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
19. In changing a dollar bill, 20. Chris had 5 times as many
Ted received 3 more dimes than nickels as quarters. Their value
quarters. How many quarters was $1.50. How many nickels did
did he receive? she have?
21. A collection contains 70 22.. A cash box with quarters and 1/2
coins in nickels and dimes. If dollars contains $7.75. If there are
there is $5.85 in all, how many a total of 24 coins, how many of each
nickels and dimes are there? type of coin are there in the box?
23. John has a set of new nick- 24. Joseph has six more dimes than
els and pennies. If he has 90 nickels. He has twice as many quar-
coins in all, how many of each ters than dimes. If he has 46 coins
type does he have? all told, how many nickels, dimes and
quarters does he have?
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 68 IBM PC and Compatibles
wp.2e Algebra Word Problems Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
Word problems, two variables, rate
1. A train left a city at 10AM. 2. At noon Fred and Jim were 320 KM
A bus left at 2 PM in the opposite apart, and starting toward each
direction at 30 mph. If they were other. If Jim was doing 20 mph
680 miles apart at 6 PM, at what and they met at 4 PM, how fast
speed was the train going? was Fred going?
3. Ann drove to Globe in 4 hrs 4. A car made the trip in 12 hrs.
and came back in 3. Her speed The bus made the same trip in
coming back was 11 mph greater 16 hrs. The bus's rate was 15
than her speed going. What were mph less than the car's. How
her speeds each way? fast did the car go?
5. A plane flies 900 miles with 6. A prop-driven aircraft flies 1800
a tail wind in two hours. The miles 6 hours. It flies the return
same wind exists on the return trip at the same TAS and with the
trip, with the plane traveling same wind in 9 hours. What is the
at the same true air speed (TAS) wind and the true air speed?
flying time is three hours. What
is the wind and the TAS?
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 69 IBM PC and Compatibles
wp.2e Algebra Word Problems Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
7. A plane and a train make the 8. Mary is 4 times as old as her
same trip. The plane averages daughter. In 4 years, she will be
420 mph; the train 78.75 mph. If 3 times as old as her daughter. How
the train takes 13 more hours for old are each today?
the triphow far did they travel?
9. A bus trip of 300 miles would 10. A plane flies 120 mph in still
take 4/5 as long if its speed air. Going, the plane flew 700 miles
was increased by 15 mph. What with a tailwind. Coming back, the
is the speed of the bus? plane flew 500 miles in the same time.
What was the speed of the wind?
11. A train left the station at 12. Eddy motored upstream against the
80 mph. A plane traveling in the current in six hours. He came down
same direction left 12 hrs later stream in 2. If he could motor four
and overtook the train in 2 hrs. mph in the absence of current, how far
How fast did the airplane fly? was it upstream? What was the current?
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 70 IBM PC and Compatibles
wp.3a Algebra Word Problems Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
Word problems, quadratics
1. The sum of two numbers is 16. 2. A rectangle has a perimeter of 26
The sum of their squares is inches and an area of 40 square
130. Find the numbers. inches. Find the sides.
3. The length of a rectangle is 4. The difference between two numbers
seven inches more than its is nine. The sum of their squares
width. Its diagonal is 17 in- is 261. Find the numbers.
ches. Find its length & width.
5. The sum of two numbers is nine. 6. The difference between two numbers
The difference of their recip- is 3. The difference between their
rocals is 1/20. Find the num- reciprocals is 3/28. Find the num-
bers bers
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 71 IBM PC and Compatibles
wp.3a Algebra Word Problems Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
7. The length of a rectangle is 8. A rectangle has an area of 104 sq.
seven inches more than its inches and a perimeter of 42 in-
width. Its diagonal is 15 ches. Find the length and width.
inches. Find its sides.
9. The difference between two num- 10. The sum of two numbers is 18. The
bers is five. The difference sum of their squares is 170. Find
between their squares is 96. the numbers.
Find the numbers.
11. The perimeter of a rectangle is 12. The difference between two numbers
42 inches. The difference be- is two. The difference between
tween the squares of its sides their reciprocals is 32. Find the
is 105. Find the sides. two numbers.
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 72 IBM PC and Compatibles
wp.4a Algebra Word Problems Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
Word problems, multiple subjects, fractional equations
1. Ellen does the kitchen alone 2. Sam and Pete do the paint job in
in 7 hours. It takes her husband 4 hours working together. It takes
two hours additional if he does Pete 9 hours to do it by himself.
it alone. How long would it take How long would it take Sam to do
them to do the kitchen together? the paint job by himself?
3. Sam built his boat in 6 mos. 4. May can clean the office in 5 hrs.
Joe built a boat just like it Working together, Susan and May can
in 3 months. If they work to- clean it in 3 hours. How long would
gether, how long would it take it take Susan to clean the office
them to build this type boat? alone?
5. Ed can paint the house in 3 6. Elspeth can clean the house in
days. Pat can clean it in 5. seven hours. Together with Calpernia
Working together, Ed, Pat and Sam she can clean the house in four hours.
can paint the house in one day. How long would it take Calpernia to
How long would it take Sam to clean the house alone?
paint the house alone?
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 73 IBM PC and Compatibles
wp.4a Algebra Word Problems Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
8. Sister Kate can illuminate 9. Battery A can police the field in
the manuscript in 9 days. Sr. 15 minutes. Battery B can do the same
Matty can do the same job in 8 field in 12 minutes. Battery Cthe
days. The prioress can do the ÜaceÜ of the regiment, can police the
same illumination in 6 days. If field in 8 minutes. How long would
they all work together, how it take all three batteries to police
long would it take to illuminate the field?
the manuscript?
9. MOG-1 can bring down an 10. Sam can put together 17 models
office building in 18 hours. in 9 hours. Working with his buddy
Working together with MOG-3, he Aloysius, he can put together 17 mo-
could do the same wrecking job dels in just four hours. How long
in 8 hours. How long would it would it take Aloysius to put toge
take MOG-3 to wreck the building ther 17 models if he was obliged to
if he was doing it alone? work by himself?
11. The Mace Const. Co. builds 12. Sam can paint a standard Mobil
$10,000 worth of widgets in 7 garage in 10 days. Pete can do the
ays. Together with the J. Kaye job in 8 days. Together, George
& Sons., they can build $10,000 Sam and Pete can do the job in 3 days.
worth of widgets in 2 days. How How long would it take George to paint
long would it take J. Kay & Sons the station, if he worked alone?
to do $10000 worth alone?
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 74 IBM PC and Compatibles
wp.5a Algebra Word Problems Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
Word problems, two variables, digit-reversal, etc.. *Difficult
1. The sum of the digits of a 2. The second digit of a two digit
two-digit integer is 15. If the integer is twice the first. If the
digits are reversed, the new digits are reversed, the new integer
integer is 69 less than twice is just 12 less than twice the old.
the old. Find the integer. Find the original integer.
3. The sum of the digits of a 4. The sum of the digits of a two-
two digit integer is 13. If the digit integer is 12. If the digits
digits are reversed, the new inte- are reversed, the new integer is 15
ger is 27 less than the original. more than twice the original. Find
Find the original integer. the original integer.
5. One digit of a two-digit in- 6. The difference between the digits
teger is 2 more than twice the of a positive, two-digit integer is
other. If the digits are re- 1. If the digits are reversed, the
versed, the resulting integer resulting integer is 47 less than
is 45 more than the original. twice the original. Find the origi-
Find the original integer. nal integer.
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 75 IBM PC and Compatibles
wp.5a Algebra Word Problems Name Ü Ü Period Ü Ü
7. *The first digit of a three- 8. *The sum of the digits of a three
digit integer is twice the 2nd. digit integer is 16. The third digit
The sum of the digits is 15. If is 3 more than the first. If the di-
the digits are reversed, the re- gits are reversed, the resulting in-
sulting integer is 495 more than teger is 241 less tha twice the ori-
the original. Find the original. ginal. Find the original integer.
Word Problems, quadratics
9. The length of a rectangle is 10. One side of a right triangle is
two feet more than three times its two inches more than twice the other.
width. If the area is 85 square If the area is 30 square inches, how
feet, what are its dimensions? large are the two sides?
11. 221 barrels were set up in a 12. *Two pictures had the same shape
rectangular array. If there were with their lengths twice their widths.
four more rows than columns, how The length of the larger was 10 inches
many rows were there? more than the length of the smaller.
If their areas differed by 250 square
inches, what are their dimensions?
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 76 IBM PC and Compatibles
1. {Q, r} 1. I. d 1. a. Dist, Mult/Add
2. {N, W, I, Q, R} II. e b. Closure. Mult
3. {Ir, R} III. a c. Assoc, Mult
4. {Ir, R} IV. b d. Comm, Add
5. 3 2. a. {Q, R} e. Inv, Mult
6. 66 b. {Ir, R} 2. a. {Ir, R}
7. 3/2 c. {Q, R} b. {N, W, I, Q, R}
8. 8 d. {N, W, I, Q, R} c. {I, Q, R}
9. Comm/Add 3. (-1, -2) d. (Q, R}
10. Closure/Mult 4. (1, 4) 3. a. -4
11. Dist, Mult/Add 5. (5, 1) b. -5/13
12. n = -1 6. (-2, -4) c. -23
13. r = -10 7. (-2, -1) d. 3
14. a = -6 8. m = -1 e. -104
15. n = 3 9. y = -2x + 5 f. 25/4
16. x = -6 10. -3, -1 g. -15
17. m = 4 11. 5 quarters h. -52
18. y = -2x + 3 40 dimes i. 20
19. y = 2x - 1 4. y = -5
20. (-2, -1) 5. w = -2
21. (5, -5) 6. a = 2
22. (7, 5) 7. y -3
23. (-2, -1) 8. m = -2
24. (2, 3) 9. m = -4
25. {12, 14, 16} 10. y = -3x
26. L = 33, W = 13 11. (-1, -2)
12. (-1, -2)
13. (7, -4)
14. (3, -4)
15. (2, 3)
16. a = -6
17. b = -2
18. {46, 48, 50}
19. L = 80 yds
W = 180 yds
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 77 IBM PC and Compatibles
1. {Q, R} 1. a. y = -7 10. a. (-1, 7)
2. {Ir, R} b. h = -8 b. (-1, -2)
3. (Ir, R} c. y = 2 c. (-1, -6)
4. {N, W, I, Q, R} 2. a. Comm, Add 11. a. {3/2, -2}
5. 3 b. Dist, Mult/Add 12. a. Ü 27k Ü
6. 66 3. a. (Ir, R} -K² - k - 220
7. 312 b. {Q, R}
8. -2 c. {N, W, I, Q, R} b. Ü a(2x - 1) Ü
9. Comm, Add d. {Q, R} b²(2x - 3)
10. Closure/Mult e. {Q, R}
11. Dist, Mult/Div f. {N, W, I, Q, R} 13. a. 31, 69
12. h = -1 4. a. 10 b. 144/7 hrs
13. r = -10 b. 473 c. W = 115 yds
14. a = -9 c. 5 1/2 L = 325 yds
15. n = 9 d. 14 d. 86
16. x = -6 5. a. 15a▀11▀
17. m = -4 b. 25a▀10▀
18. y = 4x + 4 c. -27a▀6▀b▀9▀
19. y = 2x - 1 d. 3x▀4▀ + 6x▀3▀y▀2▀ + 3x▀2▀y▀3▀
20. (-2, 1) e. 7518
21. (5, -5) 6. a. (2x - 1)(x - 4)
22. (7, 5) b. 3(x² - 3)
23. (2, 3) c. (3x - 2)(x + 4)
24. 17 quarters 7. a. {-1/2, 9}
35 dimes b. Ü -1 ± √13 Ü
25. 12, 14, 16 2
26. L = 13 in
W = 35 in c. Ü 7 ± √109 Ü
8. (3, -1)
9. Parabola, curved upward
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 78 IBM PC and Compatibles
1. a. a = 5 1. a. a = 19/2 1. Closure, Add
b. x = -2 b. x = -9 2. Trans, of ='s
2. a. x = 5 c. x = 33/16 3. Assoc, Add
b. a = 3 d. x = 2 4. b = 4
3. a. Assoc, Mult 2. (-2, -1) 5. y = 12
b. Reflex prop ='s 3. (-2, 1) 6. n = 11
c. {Q, R} 4. (-1, 7) 7. h = 12
d. {Ir, R} 5. (-1, 3) 8. x = -6
e. {Q, R} 6. m = -3 9. r = 5
f. (N, W, I, Q, R} 7. y = 2x - 1 10. m=4
g. 18 8. 2a▀3▀ - 3b▀5▀ 11. y = 5x - 4
h. 148 9. 21(1 - 2q)(1 + 2q 12. (-1, -2)
i. 100 10. (2x - 5)(x - 3) 13. (1, -2)
j. -25 11. {-2/3, 4) 14. (7, -4)
4. m = -3 12. {1/5, -1} 15. (-6, 4)
5. y = 2x - 1 13. Ü a▀3▀b▀2▀ Ü 16. (-2, 2)
6. (-2, -1) 6y▀2▀19y▀3▀
7. (-2, 1) 17. 8x²+61x+35
8. (-8, 6) 14. Ü 27d▀3▀c▀7▀z▀2▀ Ü
9. a. 7(a▀3▀ - 3b▀5▀ 5ar▀3▀
b. 21(1 - 2q)(1 + 2q) 18. -63x²-14x-48
c. (2x - 5)(x - 3) 15. Ü 12w - 13 Ü 19. -6x(2x - 1)
10. a. {-2/3, 4} 6w 20. (6x - 5)(6x + 5)
b. {1/2, -1} 21. -6(x²-3x-2)
11. a. Ü t + 1 Ü 16. Ü 2y + 11 Ü 22. (3/4, 1/2)
c 12y² - 8y - 15 23. (3/5, -3/5}
24. {2/5, -1/3}
b. Ü 7 Ü 17. x = 8 25. {-5, -1)
4xq 18. a = -2/11 26. x = 5
19. x = 35/8 27. x = -2
c. Ü 7w - 13 Ü 20. ({5, 6} 28. x = 5/3
6w 21. W = 40 yds 29. x = {3, 2}
L = 56 yds 30. x²/z▀4▀
d. 1 22. 24 hours 31. Ü 3r Ü
12. a. 7/33 23. 85 10qx²
b. x = -2 24. 71, 7
13. (-1, -3) 32. Ü 12x - 5 Ü
14. (-3, -2) 12x
15. 43 dimes
17 quarters 33. Ü a²-9ab-3b² Ü
16. 24 days a² - b²
34. W = 12 inches
L = 55 inches
35. Mary is 20
Sue is 15
36. 17, 26
37. 15/8 hours
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 79 IBM PC and Compatibles
1. 17, 58 1. W = 4 cm 1. Ann is 8
2. 17 L = 28 cm Ramon is 2
3. 128 2. 8 inches 2. Sue is 4
4. 3 21 inches Tom is 8
5. -2 16 inches 3. Bob is ten
6. 1 3. W = 16 inches John is 35
7. 17 L = 40 inches 4. Lea is 26
8. -9 4. W = 80 yds June is 46
9. 3 L = 148 yds 5. Sam is 9
10. 5 5. W = 9 feet George is 17
11. 9 6. W = 16 feet 6. Sue is 21
12. -1 7. 11 inches Pete is 15
8. 10 feet 7. Mel is 11
9. 16 feet Lil is 16
ANSWER KEY, wp.1b 10. 8 feet 8. Joe is 9
11. W = 23 feet 9. Jane is 7
1. -9 L = 40 feet Mary is 23
2. 92, 93, 94 12. W = 19 feet 10. Tony is 22
3. -34, -33, -32, -31 L = 59 feet 11. May is 3
4. -13, -12 13. 10 inches 12. Able is 5
5. 9, 10, 11, 12 14. 6 feet Cain is 27
6. 19, 20, 21 15. W = 7 feet
7. 54, 55 L = 13 feet
8. 23 16. W = 12 yds ANSWER KEY, wp.2c
9. -39, -37 L = 22 yds
10. 12, 14, 16 17. 11 inches 1. 7
11. -5, -3, -1 18. 10 feet 2. 301 were rotten
12. 8, 10, 12, 14 19. 16 feet 3. 12, 9
13. 59, 61, 63, 65 20. 21 feet 4. 16, 39
14. 134, 136, 138 21. W = 23 feet 5. 43, 44
15. 78, 80, 82 L = 40 feet 6. 43, 33
16. -8, -7, -6 22. W = 19 feet 7. 7, 35
17. 79, 81, 83 L = 60 feet 8. 7, 17
18. 17, 19, 21, 23 23. 13 inches 9. 37, 46
24. 9 feet 10. 9, 10
11. 7, 16
12. 13, 49
13. 51, 17
14. 4, 8, 14
15. 9, 12
16. 5, 9
17. 7, 28
18. 13, 44
19. 41, 70
20. 11, 25
21. 11, 25
22. 21 nickels
3 quarters
23. 7, 19
24. 17
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 80 IBM PC and Compatibles
1. 300 dimes 1. 70 mph 1. 63/10 hours
1200 nickels 2. 60 mph 2. 36/5 hours
2. 9 quarters 3. Going: 33 mph 3. 2 months
7 half dollars Coming: 44 mph 4. 15/2 hours
3. 33 nickels 4. 60 mph 5. 15/7 hours
16 quarters 5. TAS 375 mph 6. 28/3 hours
4. 30 "fives" Wind 75 mph 7. 72/29 hours
37 "ones" 6. TAS 250 mph 8. 40/11 hours
5. 3 nickels Wind 50 mph 9. 72/5 hours
18 dimes 7. 1,260 miles 10. 36/5 hours
20 pennies 8. 3 mph 11. 14/5 days
6. 5 half dollars 9. 60 mph 12. 120/13 days
7 dimes 10. 20 mph
21 pennies 11. 560 mph
7. 23 nickels 12. 2 mph ANSWER KEY, wp.5a
47 dimes
8. 7 half dollars 1. 78
17 quarters ANSWER KEY, wp.3a 2. 48
9. 129 quarters 3. 85
125 dimes 1. 9, 7 4. 39
10. 17 quarters 2. W = 5 inches 5. 38
102 nickels L = 8 inches 6. 56
11. 75 nickels 3. W = 8 inches 7. 429
16 dimes L = 15 inches 8. 538
12. 133 dimes 4. (15, 6), (-15, -6) 9. W = 5 feet
233 nickels 5. 4, 5 L = 17 feet
13. 126 quarters 6. (4, 7), (4-, -7) 10. W = 5 feet
357 nickels 7. W = 5 inches L = 12 inches
14. 15 good ones L = 12 inches 11. 17 rows
90 bad ones 8. W = 10 inches 12. 10 X 20 inches
15. 200 quarters L = 11 inches 15 X 30 inches
250 Nickels 9. 7, 12
16. 90 quarters 10. 11, 7
100 half dollars 11. W = 8 inches
17. 83 quarters L = 13 inches
52 Half dollars 12. {1/2, 5,2}
18. 3 quarters {-1/2, -5/2}
21 nickels
19. 2 quarters
5 dimes
20. 3 quarters
15 nickels
21. 47 dimes
23 nickels
22. 7 half dollars
17 quarters
23. 48 nickels
42 pennies
24. 7 nickels
13 dimes
26 quarters
A Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 81 IBM PC and Compatibles
All exercises (except those in [intro]), can be adjusted by the user
for levels of difficulty. Answers are provided in forms suitable to
the classroom situation, i.e., fractions only (where applicable) with
positive, rationalized denominators; no decimals.
[intro] Introduction to algebra. This program provides the
following exercises:
1. Axioms and postulates.
2. The real number system.
3. Order of operations.
4. Algebraic expressions.
5. A test covering all the areas outlined above.
It is recommended this be an "open-book" test;
i.e.student notebooks permitted.
[isn] Signed number arithmetic, integers. This program pro-
vides the following exercises, (75 line-items, each).
1. Addition, subtraction and mixed, addition and sub-
2. Multiplication, division and mixed, multiplication
and division.
3. Sequenced operations, 15 items each in addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division. The last
15 items are mixed addition and subtraction.
4. Random mix, all operations.
[eqs1] Linear equations, one variable. Exercises are provided
in the five options indicated below:
1. Ax + B = C or C = Ax + B
2. Ax + B = Cx + D
3. A(Bx + C) = Dx + E or Dx + E = A(Bx + C)
4. A(Bx + C) + D = E + F(G + Hx)
5. A two-page test with 24 items, sequenced in the
same order listed above, and graduated in levels
of difficulty.
[xplot] Linear equations in two variables, plotting. These
are simple exercises containing nine items each, com-
prising an introduction to linear equations in two
variables. All equations are in the slope-intercept
y = mx + b
Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 82 IBM Compatibles
Catalog Alfred D'Attore
[lineqs] Linear equations, two variables. Options are
as listed below:
1. Finding equations given the slopes or y-inter-
cepts and one ordered pair of integers with--
a. Slopes or y-intercepts given directly.
b. Slopes or y-intercepts given indirectly.
2. Finding slopes or full equations given two ordered
pairs of integers.
3. A two page test with all the options listed above.
[simeqs] Simultaneous equations, two variables. All equations
are given in standard form, e.g., Ax + By = C.
*Options are as listed below:
1. Plotting two equations, finding "intersection".
2. Finding intersections (solutions) by substitution.
3. Finding intersections by addition and subtraction.
4. Finding intersections by method of matrices.
5. Sequenced mix of all exercises listed above.
6. A two-page test with all the options listed above.
*One further option is offered that generates equations in two, three
or four variables. Non-independent sets are sometimes generated.
The user must command small "coefficients" to increase this
possibility. The program then checks for linear dependence and
identifies sets with non-independent equations: no "solutions."
Occasionally, these equations are used (at the board) to illustrate
the power of the "matrix" method. Discretion is advised.
[trifact] Quadratic equations, employing all variations except
equations with complex solutions. Options follow:
1. Multiplying binomials and monomials.
2. Factoring trinomials and binomials, (all fact-
torable over the set of integers).
3. Solving ÜfactorableÜ quadratic equations.
4. A two-page test with all the options as listed above.
All exercises are offered with the additional options of
positive or mixed (positive and negative) quadratic
terms, factorable constants, or non-standard equations
(where applicable).
[f.eqs] Fractional equations. Five options offered as listed
below. The last type results in quadratic equations.
Ax + B Dx + E C F
1. -------- = -------- or -------- = --------
C F Ax + B Dx + E
2. -------- + D = E
Bx + C
Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 83 IBM Compatibles
Catalog Alfred D'Attore
3. -------- + Dx = E
Bx + C
4. ---- + ---- = ---- or ---- + ---- = E
Bx Dx F Bx Dx
5. ---------- + D = Ex + F
Bx + C
6. A two-page test with all the options listed above.
[eqs1.d] Decimal equations. In the options listed below, all
capital letters are ÜdecimalÜ constants.
1. Ax + B = C or C = Ax + B
2. Ax + B = Cx + D
3. A(Bx + C) = Dx + E or Dx + E = A(Bx + C)
4. A two page test with all the options listed above.
It should be recalled that this course is not designed for "at or
above" grade-level students. The remaining exercises can be
extremely difficult (and therefore discouraging). This is
particularly true of the "rationals." They should be used with
[rfex] Rational fractions, exponentials. In all exercises
exponents may be chosen positive, negative or both.
1. Multiplication, division or mixed, multiplication
and division.
2. Addition, subtraction or mixed, addition and
3. Line multiply, including "powers to powers."
4. Simplify.
5. Mixed exercises, all types, one page.
6. A two page test with all the options listed above.
[rff] Rational fractions, factorables. Options follow:
1. Addition, subtraction or mixed, addition and
2. Multiplication, division or mixed, multiplication
and division.
3. Simplify.
4. Sequential mix, all types, one page.
5. A two page test with all the options listed above.
[quad] Quadratic equations, standard forms, with real or com-
lex solutions, user's choice. In the public schools,
this subject area is often deferred to advanced algebra.
Skill-Oriented Algebra Page 84 IBM Compatibles
Skill=Oriented Algebra IBM PC & Compatibles
SOA lends itself to individualization, obviously, since the
exercises are self-contained with answers provided. Students
can work directly on the exercise sheets. But the user
(teacher) is strongly advised against indivilization, at least,
as a classroom practice. The author was in-class director of a
two-year, Title 1 experiment with individualized instruction in
Mathematics, Basic Skills. The test program was amply funded
and staffed, and meticulously prepared. The teachers all worked
very hard to make the program a success. But results were nil.
After two years, standardized tests showed our students had not
advanced at all. They did not even show the limited advancement
that so-called low achievers might be expected to to attain in
regular classes.
That was long ago. In the intervening years, I have observed
this phenomena repeatedly and discussed it with my associates at
length. This was their experience too. Despite the assurances
of academia, individualization does not work; at least, not in
our public schools. This is particularly true with Computer
Assisted Instruction, (CAI), wherein students interact directly
with the computer. After an initial enthusiasm, lasting no more
than one to two weeks, they all "turn off."
The reason? Frankly I don't know. But I can hazard an educated
guess. We are all social creatures. We all work best when we
work together. Collaterally, we all -- young and old -- learn
best when we learn together. This is particularly true with
young people, since there are no others so closely attached to
their group as, for example, high school and junior high school
But by its very nature, individualization isolates students.
Students are more or less "on their own" to work "at their own
pace." In fact, they don't work at all. Some even openly
rebel. This has been my experience in every case with
Now contrast this with the military experience. The armed
services teach en masse. They have to. They have no choice.
And yet, they routinely take high school drop-outs and make good
soldiers of them. Individualization was never an option for the
services, but they would not have pursue that course in any
case. They had long since discovered that students (servicemen)
learn best when they learn together.
Page 85
Skill-Oriented Algebra Alfred D'Attore
1. Micrsoft Corporation, for their very excellent Quick Basic
Programming System and their liberal licensing requirements.
2. The Honeywell Corporation in Phoenix, Arizona, for the
equipment they provided and liberal the allowance of central
processor time, on their new -- at the time, 1974-1976 -- 2,000
series computer. I still retain their original' tapes.
3. To my many associates who over the years gave encouragement
and many valuable suggestions.
4. To the Dysart School District in Peoria, Arizona, for
allowing me a free hand to experiment with my Algebra 1
5. To my mathematics students both at the Sunnyslope Elementary
School in Phoenix, Arizona, where it all began in 1974; and to
my algebra students at Dysart High School, who over the four
years this algebra was in process, made this old man look very
good indeed.
Page 86
INTRO Introduction to Algebraic Concepts
ISN Positive and Negative Arithmetic
EQS1 Linear Equations in One Variable
XPLOT Plotting, Cartesian Coordinate System
LINEQS Linear Equations in Two Variables
SIMEQS Simultaneous Equations in Two Variables
TRIFACT Quadratic Equations, Factorables
FEQS Fractional Equations, One Variable
EQS1D Decimal Equations, One Variable
RFEX Rational Fractions, Exponentials
RFF Rational Fractions, Factorables
QUAD Quadratic Equations, Complex Solutions